Growing the wild gardens (and culture) needed
for long term conservation of Nature

What we’re up to:


We offer engaging outreach talks on the importance of native gardens and rewilding. These talks aim to inspire individuals and communities to engage with conservation and beautify their spaces while supporting the local food web.


Our seven week ecological gardening course is an in-depth look and why and how we can transform our yards to support wildlife. With a workshop component, participants share ideas, and create plans for their wild gardens, and they leave the course with designed garden maps to make their plans a reality.

Garden Together

Building community through wild gardening, we facilitate class participants working together to install their garden designs -basically, we become an awesome gardening crew to get these gardens planted. What better way to hang out and have fun?


We need A Lot of native plants on the landscape, and they need to be affordable. We grow truly affordable native flowers and grasses for our public garden installations and for class participants to use at home. Any plants left over are sold to our community.


We partner with community hubs like libraries, town halls, and religious organizations, to design and install public gardens where visitors can discover the beauty of wild gardens and take home inspiration for their own yards.


Native plants and wildlife need engaging, innovative media and PR created on their behalf. Through video and photography, we aim to raise awareness about the need for conservation at home through a variety of media platforms, while also creating truly useful online garden planning tools and educational resources.

Alicia Houk

Alicia is the founder and gardener of the Wild Garden Alliance. She has a Master’s degree in pollination ecology, and has been designing and installing native pollinator and bird gardens for public spaces for the past eight years, and teaching in the environmental science field for over a decade -more recently courses focused on ecological gardening.  

She is thrilled to be working with gardeners, plants, insects, art and science, and to help the world rewild.

She also writes the native gardening blog, A Wild Garden at